Jehan Milleret
25000 Besançon, France
Profile Photo

His\Her Talents

Years of experience: 0-5 years
Abilities: Active and dynamic, Sense of détail, Open minded
{{ 'French'|langNameByCode}} - Native or bilingual proficiency
{{ 'English'|langNameByCode}} - Professional working proficiency
Internship at the University of Portsmouth. Just ended my Associate's degree.



  • Date attended: from: 2013 to: 2013
    School: Augustin Cournot
    Description: French high school diploma
    Degree: High School
    Field of study: Scientific
  • Date attended: from: 2014 to: 2016
    School: IUT Belfort Montbéliard
    Description: In France, IUT provide a 2 year technical degree.
    Degree: Associate's Degree
    Field of study: Computer Science


  • Name company: University of Portsmouth
    Title: Internship : Online Exams
    Location: Portsmouth, Portsmouth, UK
    Experience abroad: Yes
    Time period: from: 03.2016 to: 06.2016
    Description: I developed a tool that allows teachers to create, distribute and mark exams directly on computers. It takes advantage of Google Document to make an offline exam session possible.

His\Her Wishes

Industry sector : IT, Telecom, Technology and Electronics
Specific activity : Sustainable Development
Location: Paris, France
Market type : B2B , B2C Europe, International
Progress of project:
1 Definition of Concept
2 Prototype
3 Test
4 First customers
5 First revenues
6 Development
7 International Development
8 Cession / Buyout
Interested in break-through innovation : Yes
Degree of implication : 30-60% Available
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