Maxime Lafargue
Paris, France
Manager, Sales and Development, Communication, Community Manager, Risk Management, Project Management, Marketing, Public Relation
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His\Her Talents

Years of experience: 0-5 years
Abilities: Very social, At ease with ideas, At ease with people, Active and dynamic, Imaginative, Enthousiastic, Intuitive, Spontaneity, Curiosity, Open minded, Flexibility
{{ 'FR'|langNameByCode}} - Native or bilingual proficiency
{{ 'ES'|langNameByCode}} - Full professional proficiency
{{ 'EN'|langNameByCode}} - Full professional proficiency
{{ 'PT'|langNameByCode}} - Elementary proficiency
Working in AIESEC for 2,5 years (Local Level for 2 years as manager in sales, national level for hal year) Sprint JE for 2 years as project manager Telehouse Data Center as project manager Virtual Handshake Founder now



  • Date attended: from: 2015 to: 2018
    School: Telecom EM
    Description: One of the best BS in France. Management, Sales, Communication, HR, Information Systems,...
    Degree: Master's Degree
    Field of study: Business School


  • Name company: Virtual Handshake
    Title: Founder and CEO
    Location: Paris, France
    Experience abroad: Yes
    Time period: from: 09.2017 I currently work here
    Description: La start UP repose sur une plateforme web sur laquelle il est possible d'enregistrer un espace en 3D (Appartement, Salle de réunion,...) . Les utilisateurs peuvent ensuite se connecter à plusieurs dans cet espace à l'aide de matériel de réalité virtuelle (casque, gant). Ils interagissent ainsi de manière quasiment réelle tout en étant dans un espace virtuel.

His\Her Wishes

Industry sector : Agriculture-Agronomy, Automotive, Aeronautic, Mecanic, Energy, IT, Telecom, Technology and Electronics
Specific activity : Sustainable Development
Location: Buenos Aires, Argentina / Paris, France / Brasília - Brasilia, Federal District, Brazil / São Paulo, State of São Paulo, Brazil / Rio de Janeiro, State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil / London, UK / New York, NY, USA / Los Angeles, CA, USA / Bordeaux, France / Toulouse, France
Market type : B2B , B2C International
Progress of project:
1 Definition of Concept
2 Prototype
3 Test
4 First customers
5 First revenues
6 Development
7 International Development
8 Cession / Buyout
Need of income: Not specified
Interested in break-through innovation : Yes
Degree of implication : 60-100% Available
Funding capacity : Between 20 and 50 K
Return on investment planned : Not specified
Wish to be involved for a period of : More than 5 years
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