Name company:
Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences
Teaching Assistant
New York, NY, USA
Experience abroad:
Time period:
from: 09.2017 to: 12.2017
We craft high-quality tea and tea-based drinks through modern methods, including control of leaf roast time, temperature, and startup was inspired by the love of tea, but lack of a readily accessible high-quality tea in a growing coffee-alternative market. Traditional method lacks productivity, accessibility, and quality. Our new brewing methods, including but not limited to cold brew, espresso, and sun brew could raise the quality, increase the production, and shorten the waiting time for a healthy drink providing calmness and alertness.
For a growing coffee-alternative market, we will provide fresh, high quality, and accessible tea drinks. Using our superior brewing methods, we can provide a more nuanced, complex, appealing drink to tap into the health conscious, or those seeking novelty. We develop espresso tea along with additives such as tea caviar and milk foams. Each cup of espresso tea could be produced within 30 seconds and could be diluted into high-quality regular tea or latte. It could be sugarless tasty drink.
Our target is tea-lovers and coffee drinkers who are seeking to have a better lifestyle by choosing healthier alternatives. The demand for tea is growing faster than that of soda, and such claim can be cross-checked with research. The market does not provide a freshly made, quick, and high-quality tea drink and we aim to fill that market gap.